Photo of Joan Laborda Spain

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Barcelona-based painter and graphic designer Joan Laborda´s expressive works are often based on paintings by great masters such as Velazquez and Goya,

As well as fine art including drawing and graphic design, Laborda studied art history at the University of Barcelona and has a diploma in communication. He received the National Press Association Prize in 1998 and has participated in more than 40 exhibitions

Licenciado en Historia del Arte.Especialidad "Arte...

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  • Artelista collects the work in the artist's workshop after validating that everything is correct and takes it directly to your home. We insure the work during shipment with Allianz Seguros ™
  • A secure platform: The artist does not receive the money until you confirm that everything is fine
  • If when you receive the picture does not convince you, we will pick it up for free and we will refund your money
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Photo of Joan Laborda Spain

Barcelona-based painter and graphic designer Joan Laborda´s expressive works are often based on paintings by great masters such as Velazquez and Goya,

As well as fine art including drawing and graphic design, Laborda studied art history at the University of Barcelona and has a diploma in communication. He received the National Press Association Prize in 1998 and has participated in more than 40 exhibitions

Licenciado en Historia del Arte.Especialidad "Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo" Universitat de Barcelona
Diseño grafico. Escuela de diseño Elisava. Barcelona
Estudios en Bellas Artes-Sant Jordi- . Universitat de Barcelona
Diplomado en Comunicación. (Barcelona)

Docencia: Desde 1999,imparte seminarios como profesor de dibujo y pintura en el  Centro de Cultura "Can  LLeonart" de Alella (Spain)

Solo and collective shows:

2009: Galerie Blumann. Paris

2008: Galería SALACONSELL-242, Barcelona

2007: Galería Stunt.Tenerife

Galería SalaConsell242. Barcelona
Galería ArteImagen. La Coruña.
Sala de Exposiciones Ibercaja. Logroño
Caixa Sabadell. Collective show .2El punto del libro como obra de arte. Sabadell

Hotel Atrium Palace-Art Gallery-
Gallery Hartmann. Barcelona

Fundación Cultural Oriol. Exposición “serie Euskadi”
Galería AB-Antony Botey, Granollers

Feria St´Art03, Galería AB, Arte Strasburg, France
ArtSantander03´- Galería AB
Artexpo 03- Galería AB, Barcelona
Galería ArteIMAGEN, La Coruña, Galicia, Spain

Galería Magdalena Baxeras, Barcelona
Arte Santander02´-Galería AB

Galería ArteIMAGEN, La Coruña, Galicia
Galería AB, Granollers, Barcelona

Galería Arenas, Tudela, Navarra, Spain
Galería Tuset, Barcelona
Galería Magdalena Baxeras, Barcelona

Alella Town Council. Serie “Figuraciones”, Alella, Spain
Galería Canals, Sant Cugat del Vallés, Spain
Galería L´Antigo Teiá, Spain

Sala Gaudí, Barcelona
Galería Arenas. Tudela, Navarra
Galería Jorge Albero, Madrid


Documentación/ selección:
Fernando Gutierrez. La Vanguardia
Francesc Galí. Mundo Diario
Cadena SER. Entrevista. 1997 Navarra
Marien Rovalo. Revista Artes Plásticas,1999
Ruth Casals: Diari Els 4 Cantons. Sant Cugat
Francesc Miralles: La Vanguardia -10/1999
Libro Figuraciones 2000-2001. Edic. Galería Tuset
Arantxa Tello. Diario de Noticias. Pamplona
Josep. María Cadena. El Periódico.
Joaquín Lens. La Voz de Galicia./ La Coruña
Ánxeles Penas. El Ideal Gallego./La Coruña
Libro "AB-25 anys".editado por galería Antoni Botey.
Albino Mallo: Galcia HOXE. entrevista.05/2006
Anxeles Penas.El Ideal gallego, 05/2006- Diario de Avisos de Tenerife "Cruce de miradas" Manolo Pérez  -La Opinión (Tenerife) "Espacios intermedios" 1/8/06


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art deco
arte abstracto
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obra de arte
pintura acrilica
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In the event that you change your mind or, simply, the artwork do not convince you after receiving your order, you have a return/change period of 14 days without additional costs, starting the day after the reception of the order.

To proceed with a change or a return, follow the steps below:

  • - Email us at so that our Customer Service department can contact you (Mon-Thurs, 10:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 18:00 / Fri, 10:00 – 14:00 Spain local time). Please, try to have on hand the order ID to facilitate and accelerate this process.
  • - The Courier will pick up the package on the place and date agreed, and once we receive the artwork, we will proceed with the refund of the paid amount.

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When you purchase art at Artelista, you have at your disposal thousands of artworks by artists from around the world, from up to 170 different countries, , and we don't want the delivery costs to be a problem when you want to enjoy the best art. The price shown at the artwork page is its final price, without surprises. Additionally, for your tranquility, the artwork is insured with the company Allianz Insurances during shipping, so we will handle everything if, unfortunately, the artwork is damaged before being delivered.

The estimated delivery time for Artelista fine art prints is 5-7 working days, whereas in the case of original artworks, it would vary depending on the origin country. Once the artist notifies us the artwork is ready for shipment, the delivery will be in the following 24-72 hours, These delivery times may be altered by custom clearance events, especially when the origin country of the artwork belongs to a different cross-national agreement (EU,NAFTA,etc.). here. Shipments from Argentina, Colombia or Cuba need of a special authorization for the exportation of artworks, so it is important to have this into account when calculating the delivery date.

Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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We are dealing with works of art, a unique and exclusive product, and we want you to feel this way too, therefore, our main objective is to offer a personalized and close customer service. We are at your disposal at all times. If you have any concern, doubts about your order or for whatever reason you need you contact us

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Prints information

Currently is not possible to make prints shipments outside Spain. We're working to re-offer the service as soon as possible.

We apologise about the inconvenience